
أنا متحير، هل الألم برقبتي أم بأذني؟

I started suffering from lack of balance, headaches and vertigo … The room would start spinning every time I move my head even slightly. I was taken to the ER and a doctor diagnose me with due to inner ear inflammation after examining my ear. I was given Betagen (14 days) and zetromax (3 days) and after that I felt better for three days then I started getting worse than before! Again I went to the ER and was given the same meds again only Betagen was prescribed for (25 days). The latter doctor referred me to an E.N.T specialist and I just returned from there…after the physical, he said there\’s nothing wrong with my ear. He suspected my neck and after x-rays, he diagnosed me with cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy. He prescribed 90mg and Dogmatil 50mg.

Who should I believe? What should I do?

شارك السؤال !

‎إجابة واحدة

  1. if you aren’t satisfied , its always better to seek other doctor’s opinion
    but based on your case , this is a case of ENT and its ENT job to follow up with your case . if the ENT ruled out ear disorder you should follow up with the orthopedic (spine) team for second opinion and long term management

    what you just described is called cervical vertigo, which is a vertigo or dizziness that is provoked by a particular neck posture no matter what the orientation of the head is to gravity. For example, dizziness provoked by turning the head about the vertical axis, while sitting upright.

    wish you a speed recovery

    the source :

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