
كيف أقلل من الدهون بمنطقة البطن؟

Hello, im a 49 years old woman
I tried everything to reduce my belly fat, diet, and training
but nothing is working. Im considering liposuction but i want to see if there is any other way to reduce it because i know liposuction is dangerous and have many side effects.

شارك السؤال !

2 تعليقان

  1. First of all: Liposuction does not reduce weight, it is used as a cosmetic procedure to improve appearance

    Secondly: You can lose a good amount of weight by following the basics. If you have been dieting, you need to forget that idea for now and focus on long term lifestyle changes that will be permanent

    1) You must know you’re calorie allowance per day and never go above it. If you do, it’s impossible to lose weight. Reducing only 500 calories a day from your allowance will allow you to lose 2 Kg a month, which is a safe steady rate for long term

    2) Immediately remove any fast foods, high sugar foods or sweets and fried foods and Carbonated drinks. They are dangerous and high in calories without any benefit to the body

    3) You must include fruits and salads into your food. Also try to get healthy snacks such as Walnuts Almonds dried fruits Yogurt and Fruit salads and smoothies. These have the vitamins and nutrients and fibers you need

    4) FInally, If you are not walking or moving 5 times a week at LEAST, you cant expect any major change. Try to move 5 times a week for 30 mins fast walking or bicycle

    These are the basics. If you are not doing these, it will be really difficult to lose any weight. Get some support from friends and family and make the life changing step today :)

    عن المُجيب

    طبيب امتياز - مدرب صحة. مهتم بالصحة العامة و خصوصا مشاكل الوزن و السمنة. مؤسس مجموعة ميزان لدعم الصحة @MizanHealth يقود "ثورة الصحة" مع د. أبي البشير والتي اعلن انطلاقها في مؤتمر تيد (الرابط) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uioVMFELHqY كاتب و مدون للعديد من المقالات الصحية يطمح لايصالك للوزن المثالي لجسمك و صحتك و يصرخ و يصرخ حتى يأكل اولادك أكل صحي في المدارس يتدرب للماراثون و درب العديد من الناس على التحكم في العوامل المؤثرة على وزنها و صحتها

  2. عن المُجيب

    أخصائية تغذية إكلينيكية، من جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز.. (وَ مَاتوفِيقِي إلّا بِاللّه عَليْهِ تَوكَلتْ وَ إِليهِ أُنيْبُ) ~ نتمنى لكم دوام العافية بإذن الله ~ و كل عام و أنتم بخير :)

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