الأعصاب والتخدير


أنا متحير، هل الألم برقبتي أم بأذني؟

I started suffering from lack of balance, headaches and vertigo … The room would start spinning every time I move my head even slightly. I was taken to the ER and a doctor diagnose me with vertigo due to inner ear inflammation after examining my ear. I was given Betagen (14 days) and zetromax (3 days) and after that I felt better for three days then I started getting worse than before! Again I went to the ER and was given the same meds again only Betagen was prescribed for (25 days). The latter doctor referred me to an E.N.T specialist and I just returned from there…after the physical, he said there\’s nothing wrong with my ear. He suspected my neck and after x-rays, he diagnosed me with cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy. He prescribed Arcoxia 90mg and Dogmatil 50mg.

Who should I believe? What should I do?


أشعر بألم في أصابعي ممتد إلى كامل الذراع بسبب عملية كي طبي على الساخن؟

أشعر بألم في أصابعي ممتد الى كامل الذراع بسبب عملية كي طبي على الساخن ، أخذت حبوب مسكنه بإسم Diclogesic ومازال الألم الشديد مستمرا ؟ هل أستطيع أخذ حبوب midrone مع أن الفرق لم يتجاوز الساعة؟؟

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